Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Have you got skills???

I grew up in a musical family.  Taking piano lessons from the age of 5 and adding the violin in 4th grade, I can read music, and fumble through almost anything.  (I did use the word fumble... and I meant it.  My efforts will be there, but the product might not be great!)

I also speak french, am pretty good at math with great problem solving skills, and, although all evidence is to the contrary (notice the run-on sentence...), I can write very well.

My actual degree is a Bachelor's of Science in Elementary Education, but teaching K-6 general ed is not all I can do.

Picture borrowed from here.
I am so grateful to work in a school district where skill sets acquired from experience counts when substitute teaching.  There are not nearly enough music substitute teachers, math teachers, french teachers, etc.  Thus, when I can demonstrate a reasonable proficiency in these arenas, more job opportunities open up!

Teaching band and orchestra, for example, is a true joy for me.  It doesn't happen often, but enough that I can enjoy dusting off my violin, practicing my fingerings, and really getting back into the music.

Even more than that, my perspective as a fresh set of ears listening to a student prepare for an audition gives them a fresh perspective from an objective, but caring, critic.  It also gives them a chance to feel the pressure of a new audience, and learn to breathe through that.

On the flip-side...  being the conductor is a different perspective than that to which I am accustomed and I love that experience!  It constantly inspires me to practice something that I truly love to do!

As a substitute teacher, versatility is a valuable component.  As a teacher, the student comes first.  Find ways to lift them up, and, trust me, they will thank you for it!

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