Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I recently taught in a 3rd grade classroom.  Since I usually prefer the middle levels, this was a change up - welcome, I might add - and let me use some of those versatility skills I mentioned last week.

The classroom teacher left 1 page of notes - back and front - with times and materials.  They were simple and easy to manage.  I could carry around the one sheet and follow along.  (Not that I don't love the details, which she left in her VERY organized substitute teacher binder...)  She is also a sticky note person, and a paper clip person (right up my alley!), so I was able to make notes to give back to her.  She had the materials all lined up along the back counter, or in the spots I would need them...

Then, she had her classroom routines set up so the students knew their expectations, and completed them without any fuss.  I was so impressed with the day to day preparation of this educator because it makes my job so much easier.  When teachers set up good patterns, the students are more likely to behave appropriately (there are always exceptions...  I know).

With only a half hour to prepare for teaching assignments, I love when I can pick up a piece of paper, scan the room and everything is ready to go.  It gives me breathing room, and I like that!

I must give a shout out to the support received at this school!  The para-educators were fantastic, and the administration stopped in regularly to check on things!  Fantastic!

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